The neck osteocondrose is a disorder of the cervical spine, accompanied by a degenerate and degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs.
More than 80 % of the population is complaining of a pain in the neck. In addition, 30% of all headaches are directly related to the neckband osteochondrosis.
If in the past, according to the disease encountered in the elderly today suffer from osteochondrosis neck is a 20-to 30-years in the patients.
Causes of
The most difficult root causes of the degeneration of the vertebrae in the neck are:
- in the absence of the exercise is, to put it simply, a little physical activity,
- brute of a power supply;
- in the long term, and the physical load;
- salt deposits
- a wide variety of lesions;
- a violation of the metabolism and excess weight;
- a long sedentary work, (for example, a personal computer), with no interruptions.
- wrong, arranged a place to sleep (mattress and pillow);
- in long passages, or standing to drive a car.
Also, risk factors are taken into account, the forum of the cervix, hereditary, hormonal disorders.
In addition, to promote the development of degenerative cervical disc disease can be autoimmune disorders, for example arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus.
The disease develops slowly, it tends to increase.
The symptoms of
The main symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the neck:
- the pain is caused. It may be, as of the sky, and a pain in the neck;
- a sense of numbness. It is usually in the area of the leg, the shoulder, the scapula, the neck, it can also be a sensation of "pins and needles". The characteristic sign is the crunch in the neck when turning the head;
- the sound of the tinnitus. Sometimes it happens that the deterioration of the hearing;
- migraine headaches, aches and pains in the head, weakness in the muscles of the hands and the feet.
- nausea, shortness of breath. The man looks like he can't breathe in your chest is full, it causes you to hunger for oxygen;
- have blurred vision. It may occur, blurring, decreased visual acuity, which appear in the so-called "front view" at the front of the eye;
- the instability of the blood pressure. The patient is an increase or a decrease in pressure, the result of which is that you are dizzy or lightheaded.
As to the first point of the pain syndrome, which is often, he chases the person around the head, or after a good night's sleep, with a minimum of physical exertion on the hands, coughing, or sneezing. The pain can be, so-to-speak, to "give" in the occipital area, shoulder, and arm. If you tilt your head to the front, and often arise from the feeling of pain under the shovel.
The diagnosis
To put it in a diagnosis of degenerative disc disease of the cervix, it is worthwhile to consult with a physician podiatrist, or a neurologist. He will perform a physical exam and a consultation to the patient, and will guide you on the x-rays in the cervical spine in a range of sizes. In some cases, it may be necessary to scan from the mri, and MRI-diagnosis of.
The neck osteocondrose you need to be a prolonged period of time, in a systematic and graded stages of the treatment. Primarily, the treatment is directed to the solution of the starting point of the pain syndrome, and his struggle with the inflammatory process.
In the early stages of the disease, comes in manual therapy, wound care, center. Further, in the implementation, the need for medical treatment.
It is also important to create the conditions for the regeneration of damaged tissues, for that reason, use of other drugs, vitamins of group B, in the form of injections or tablets.
It is necessary to observe the mode of work and rest, to take care of the comfort of your own dream, and not to lift heavy ass weights and stop errors.
Osteocondrose neck, many believe a much more insidious disease. After all, as well as the cervical vertebrae are located in close proximity to each other, the lowest of his strain of compressed nerve roots, and blood vessels. Finally, the broken brain blood supply, resulting in and will result in a headache or migraine. In the case that it is fraught with myocardial ischemia the brain or the spinal cord, and even a stroke.
In the area of risk, and the cardiovascular system. A number of people over the years have been observed in a cardiologist because of pains in the region of the heart, always "catch" the high-pressure, and the reason for this is the osteocondrose of the neck.
Also, due to the contraction of the nerve endings, the patient may suffer from hearing, vision, and disrupt the coordination of movements.
In the run-of-ways, and without the proper treatment, it is possible for the formation of a hernia, the treatment of which is in need of a surgical procedure.
In the elderly, cervical osteocondrose it is often blended with the deformation in the case of osteoarthritis cervical spine, the deterioration of the vertebrae and the Dr.
To avoid the degenerative disc disease of the cervix, the need to lead a healthy life, filled with eating, you have to carry out physical activity on a regular basis. The large plays a role in ensuring the proper organization of the workplace, as well as with respect to the mode of work and rest.